Instructions for installing phpScheduleIt on a remote Linux host using cPanel

Please see readme.html for any additional setup instructions. This will only set up the database and will not populate any required fields.

Connect to your remote host's control panel, cPanel.

Adding the database and user

  1. Select the MySQL Databases tool
  2. Add a new user with username and password of your choice. This will be the username and password used in your phpScheduleIt config file.
  3. Create a new database with whatever name you choose. This will be the name of the database in your phpScheduleIt config file. 'phpSchedlueIt' is the recommended database name.
  4. Associate the new user with the new database, giving the user permission to SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE. Click the 'Add User to Db' button.

Creating the tables

  1. Open phpMyAdmin.
  2. Click on the database name that you just created in the left panel.
  3. Click the SQL tab at the top of the page.
  4. Open install/setup.sql, in your phpScheduleIt directory.
  5. Copy all text starting right after the line 'use phpScheduleIt;' and ending at the line just before 'grant select, insert, update, delete' and paste it into the Run SQL textbox.
  6. Click the 'Go' button.

Your database, user and tables are now created. Please make sure that the name of the database and user in your config file match what you just created. Many times, an ISP will prefix your database name or cut is short. Please check the created database name and copy that into your config.php file.


Instructions for installing phpScheduleIt without cPanel

Adding the database and user

  1. Create a new database with whatever name you choose. This will be the name of the database in your phpScheduleIt config file. 'phpScheduleIt' is the recommended database name.
  2. Create a new user with username and password of your choice. This will be the username and password used in your phpScheduleIt config file. Optionally, you can simply use a current database user, although this is not recommended to give one user control over many databases.
  3. Associate the user with the new database, giving the user permission to CREATE, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE. Click the 'Add User to Db' button.

Creating the tables

Please follow the instructions for 'Creating the tables' above.


If phpMyAdmin is not available

In the case that phpMyAdmin is not available, please try using the manual install instructions given in the readme. The tables and indexes that are listed in the setup.sql file need to be duplicated exactly for phpScheduleIt to work. Nick Korbel

version 1.0.3