**** Administrator Account Information **** admin_password,p,letmein, Administrator Password. (Clear this setting to disable main admin account) configpassword,p,superpass, Password to modify the program configuration (these settings) & restore from backups (Clear this setting to allow all admin access) admin_email1,t,,Primary administrator e-mail address admin_email2,t,,Secondary administrator e-mail address warning_monitor,t,,Administrator address to which emails of serious warning violations should be sent **** Server Settings **** timezone,nt,0*60*60, Offset of web server from timezone of users,-24*60*60,24*60*60 remote_auth,b,False, Attempt remote-authorization of users? WARNING! NEVER turn on when NOT using standard WebServer Authorization - severe security risk will result! (True = expect username from web server) exit_URL,t,http://ors.sourceforge.net/, URL of page which should be loaded when [Home] is selected **** General Configuration Options **** enable_login,b,True, Allow login at all? (if False&, login allowed only by administrators through utilities.php) demomode, b, False, Demonstration mode (True = do not save changes to user info or resources&, disable e-mail and backups) public_calendar, b, True, Public view - non-logged-in users can view calendar (note that if set to TRUE&, individual resources can still be disabled from public view in the Resource Management page) wait_for_lock,nt,60, How long should we wait for a scheduler lock to be removed before we do it forceably? (>60 seconds is recommended),10 min_password_size,n,4, Define the minimum number of digits for the password length,0,100 uid_valid,nt,30*60, How long before an inactive session is expired,3*60,3*60*60 defalut_user_sec,n,1, Default new user authorities (1 = can sign up resources&, 0 = can not),0,1111 blocknewresource,b,True, Intially&, users are blocked from newly-created resources (True = Signups are blocked&, False = Signups are permitted) save_deleteduser_signups, b,True, What happens to a deleted user's signups (True = reassigned as user "Abandoned"&, False = delete them) -General Appearance Settings- long_comment,b,False, Provide extra-long field for comment entry header_image,t,scheduling.gif, Name of image to use on login form (relative to scheduling folder) login_form_color,t,#BBBB66, Color for login forms (hex HTML format: #rrggbb) menu_color,t,#BBBB66, Color for menus (hex HTML format: #rrggbb) calendar_head_color,t,#6699CC, Color for calendar heading and controls line (hex HTML format: #rrggbb) weekday_color,t,#DDDDDD, Color for weekday column headers in the day and month views (hex HTML format: #rrggbb) weekend_color,t,#DDDD66, Color for weekend day column headers in the day and month views (hex HTML format: #rrggbb) info_fieldname,t,Ratings, Name for user-defined informational field in user table comment_text,t,Comment, Description/Name for comment field in signup form -Memberlist Permissions- nouserhide,b,False, Disable "hide in memberlist" feature (True = users cannot hide themselves from memberlist) allow_memberlist_view,b,True, Non-administrators can view the list of members/users (True = Yes) show_owner_contact,b,True, Show contact information when editing or viewing another user's signup (True = Yes) -E-Mail Announcement Permissions- email_as_user,b,True, Send e-mail announcements as the logged-in user. If False&, announcements will be sent as set in [email_from] (see below). False may be necessary for some e-mail servers. allow_email_any,b,False, Allow users without calendar authority to use the e-mail announcement feature? allow_mass_email,b,False, Allow users without calendar authority to make e-mail announcements to all users or all users of selected resources? -Recurring Signup Permissions- recurring_enabled,b,False, Enable the Recurring Signups feature? recurring_calauth,b,True, Allow modification of Recurring Signups by calendar-authorized users? (Recurring Signups must be enabled above&, False = Only administrators) -Signup Action Permissions- enable_noshow,b,True, Offer "no-show" for signups (only on signups for which the start time has already passed) -Signup Check-Out / Status Settings- manage_status,b,false, Enable advanced management of signup status and check-out / check-in times require_approval,b,false, Require signups to be approved by a calendar authorized user or an administrator (manage_status must be True) allow_checkout_edit,b,False, Allow regular users to edit checkout times (False = only calendar-authorized users may edit check-in/check-out times) editable_status,b,True, Allow administrators to visually edit a signup's status (via an edit box) checkout_desc,t,Check Out, Text to use for "Check Out" button (Default is "Check Out") checkout_interval,nt,1*60*60, How long before a signup starts should "Check Out" be offered as button when editing? (0 = only after start time),0 return_desc,t,Return Resource, Text to use for "Return Resource" button (Default is "Return Resource") hard_return,b,True, Return of resource should truncate signup to return time (can be used to shorten signups only) enable_return,b,True, Offer "Return Resource" button after signup has started even if manage_status is false -Alternates and Promotion/Demotion Settings- automanage_alternates,b,True, Automated handling of signup priorities&, reporting and notifying of alternates (includes promotion and demotion e-mails&, prohibits sign-up "under" other signups&, and other priority references) echo_promotion,b,True, Show on-screen the list of users promoted when deleting or updating echo_demotion,b,True, Show on-screen the list of users demoted when signing-up&, deleting or updating echo_prodding,b,True, Show on-screen messages prodding users to contact primaries when they sign up as an alternate **** Email Contact Options **** email_primaries,b,False, E-mail the primary signup-holder when someone signs up as alternate? (True = Yes) email_from,t,unknown@nowhere.org, From/Reply address for e-mails scheduling_URL,t,http://ors.sourceforge.net/scheduling/, Base URL of the scheduling program (used in e-mails only) resmonitor_timelimit,nt, 0*60*60*24, A resource monitor will be notified of signup changes/additions/deletions made within this time frame (0 = no time limit) **** Schedule / Calendar Options **** num_signups,n,3, How many users may signup per time block? (= 1 primary + alternates),1,15 day_start,n,6, When does the day begin [24Hour Formatted Hour 0-23],0,23 day_end,n,22, When does the day end [24Hour Formatted Hour 1-24],1,24 signup_interval,n,0.5, [Hours] Minimum interval allowed for a signup (0.1-24),0.1,24 dayview_interval,n,0, [Hours] Time interval for rows of day view (0 = same as signup_interval),0,24 weekview_interval,n,0, [Hours] Time interval for rows of week view (0 = same as 2*signup_interval),0,24 twentyfourhour_clock,b,True, Use 24 hour clock time format? (True = Use a 24 hour clock&, False = am/pm) eurodate,b,False, Use European (inverted) date format? (True = use d/m/y format&, False = use m/d/y format) default_view,t,week, Default view: [day&, week&, or month] default_resource_all,b,True, Default resource selection: True = All&, False = 1st resource in list (faster page load) default_week_length,n,7, [Days] Number of days to show in a "week" view,1,30 vertical_view,b,true,Show day and week views as vertical tables? (False = Horizontal view) noweekends,b,False, Hide weekend days in calendar? limit_day_view,b,False, Show only selected resources in day view (True = Yes&, False = always show all resources) show_blocked_resources,b,False, Users can see resources they can not sign up for hard_available,b,True, Require open availibity to list a resource when "Available Only" is checked. (True = require no signups for resource&, False = require any open priority spot) -Signup labeling options- show_name,b,True, Logged-in users - Always label signups in the calendar with the name of the owner (True = always show name&, False = show only if nothing else is being shown) show_comment,b,False, Logged-in users - Label signups in the calendar with their comment for (True = show comment&, False = do not show comment) show_first_name,b,False, Logged-in users - Show first name instead of last name show_full_name,b,False, Logged-in users - Show full name (instead of first or last name only) public_show_name,b,True, Public view - label signups in calendar with name of the owner (True = show name&, False = NEVER show name) public_show_comment,b,False, Public view - label signups in the calendar with their comment (True = show comment&, False = do not show comment) public_show_first_name,b,True, Public view - show first name instead of last name public_show_full_name,b,False, Public view - show full name instead of first or last name only (True = show full name&, False = show first/last name only) hyphen_length,n,8, Use word-wrap and hyphenation for names or comments longer than this,5,100 color_from_status,b,False, Determine signup color from status (see signup status settings&, above) of signup (True = color from Status&, False = color from Priority) **** Scheduler Rule Definitions **** allow_signup_offset,nt,0*60*60, Offset from present time at which users can sign up for a resource (>0),0 calendarauth_as_others, b,True, Allow calendar-authorized users to sign-up as others: True = Can sign up as other users&, False = allowed only to edit other user's signups allow_signup_as_others, b,False, Allow normal users to sign-up as others: True = General users allowed to sign up for other general users (but still can not edit them) allow_past_edit,b,False, Allow edit of past signups by regular users (limited options) edit_other_users, b,False, Allow normal users to edit other user's signups: True = General users allowed to edit other's signups&, False = Not permitted min_signup_time,n,1, [Hours] Shortest time allowed for a signup (must be > signup_interval),.2 warn_long_signup,nt,7*60*60*24, Signups over this length will cause us to give a WARNING,0 longest_signup,nt,14*60*60*24, Signups over this length will be REJECTED,0 warn_future_signup,nt,8*30*60*60*24, Start time further off than this will give a WARNING,0 disallow_future_signup,nt,36*30*60*60*24, Start time further off than this will be REJECTED,0 allow_poststart_mod,b,True, Allow changes to start time of signup after start time has already passed? (True = Yes) allow_backtoback_signups,b,True,Allow Back-To-Back reservations (True = consider as single reservation&, False = indicate as rule violation) near_signup_violations,b,False, Are rule violations on signups ending within the next 24-hours enforced? (True = Yes) hard_enforce_rules,b,True, Hard-enforce Rules? (True = Rule violations cause a signup to be rejected&, False = Give Warning Only) - Account Expiration - hard_account_expiration,b,True, Should expired and restricted accounts be prohibited from booking double-bookable resources? (True = Yes - expired user can not sign up at all&, False = Allow expired users to signup&, but only along with indicated double-book resource (e.g. instructor or trainer resource)) errormsg_acntexpired,t,Your account is expired. Please contact an administrator to renable your account.,Error Message when account expires expire_explanation,t,Your account can expire for a variety of reasons. An administrator can modify your expiration date.,Description of account expiration warn_account_expire,nt,30*60*60*24, Give warning when account expiration will occur within this time period,60*60*24 warnmsg_acntexpire,t,Your account is about to expire. Please contact an administrator to ensure that your account remains active.,Text of warning given when an account is about to expire. - Account Inactivity - inactive_account,nt,90*60*60*24, Time period defining account inactivity if the user does not log in or create signups.,60*60*24 errormsg_acntinactive,t,Due to inactivity your account has been marked as inactive. Please contact an administrator to ensure that they don't restrict (disable) your account.,Error Message when account becomes inactive errormsg_acntrestricted,t,Your account is restricted. Please contact an administrator to remove your account restrictions.,Error Message when account has been restricted by an administrator - Late Deletion of Signups - warn_late_delete,nt,1*24*60*60, Signups deleted within this length of time prior to start time will give a warning (0=disabled) warnmsg_late_delete,t,If the cancellation is not due to a justifiable reason you may still be charged 1/2 of the time scheduled., Possible penalty/other info related to late deletion of signup - General Signup Rule Information - errormsg_general,t,Please Be Advised... Sign-ups for this user break the following rules:, Message displayed to notify user of warnings or errors exempt_users,t,Maintenance, Define usernames for which the reservation validation rules will not apply (usually non-user accounts; Give as <firstname><lastname> no spaces&, names separated with commas) - Comment for Any Signup - require_comment,b,False, Should we require users to enter comments for all reservations? True = require comment errormsg_comment_required,t,requires a comment,Error Message when users don't enter a comment for signup (follows "This signup...") missing_comment_fatal,b,False, Missing comments (overnight or regular) are considered a reason to reject a signup (Hard_enforce_rules&, above&, must also be "True") - Comment for Overnight Signups - require_overnight_comment,b,True, Should we require a user to enter a comment for an overnight reservation? True = require comment errormsg_comment_missing,t,requires a comment detailing over-night use,Error Message when users don't enter a comment for overnight signups (follows "This signup...") - Maximum number of Signups - signupcount,n,4, Maximum number of primary signups allowed per user,1 errormsg_toomany_primary,t, Maximum of four (4) primary sign-ups more than 24 hours in advance,Error Message when users exceed max allowable primary signups signupcount2,n,6,Maximum number of primary + alternate signups allowed per user,1 errormsg_toomany_total,t, Maximum of six (6) total sign-ups (primary and alternate) more than 24 hours in advance,Error Message when users exceed max allowable total (primary+alternate) signups count_dbook,b,False,Should reservations for resources that can be legally doublebooked (see resource management) be counted for the max tally? True=yes - Double-booking - allow_doublebook,b,False, Are double-bookings allowed (same time-block on different resources or alternate to self)? hard_enforce_doublebook,b,False, Should double-bookings be hard-enforced? (True = double-bookings are rejected; False = double-bookings only give warning) errormsg_doublebooked,t,Multiple sign-ups for the same time-block(s) (different resources or alternate to self),Error Message when user doublebooks two resources for same time slot - Weekend Rules (number of days) - max_weekend_days_single,n,3, [Days] Maximum number of weekend days allowed in a single reservation,0 errormsg_maxweekend_single,t,includes more than 3 weekend days,Error Message when users single signup exceeds max weekend days (follows "This signup..." max_weekend_days_all,n,4, [Days] Maximum number of weekend days allowed for all reservations combined,0 errormsg_maxweekend_all,t,Sign-ups may not include more than a total of four (4) full weekend days,Error Message for signups that exceed max weeked days - Weekend Rules (number of signups) - max_weekend_reservations,n,2, Maximum number of reservations that are allowed to include full weekend days,0 errormsg_maxweekend,t,No more than two (2) separate sign-ups may include full weekend days.,Error Message when user exceeds max number of signups that include full weekend days - Maximum Signup Length (Per resource) - errormsg_maxsignup,t,This may require approval.,Error Message when signup length exceeds maximum for resource (see resource management page) **** Backup and Log Settings **** backup_interval,nt,24*60*60, How long between creation of backup files on-site (0=disable),0 mail_backup,b,True, Email backup files to designated users? mail_action_log,b,True, Email action log when backup is sent? mail_signups,b,True, Email human-readable version of signup listing when backup is sent? - Log Lengths - calendar_history,nt,90*24*60*60, How long to keep old calendar entrys,60*60*24 uid_history,nt,15*24*60*60, How long to keep user login history,60*60*24 loglength,nt,15*24*60*60, How long to keep action log history,60*60*24 backup_history,nt,7*24*60*60, How long to keep backup files on-site,60*60*24 **** Debug Settings **** debug_locks,b,False, File Lock Debugging: True = view file lock actions debug_mail,b,False, Mail Debugging: True = view e-mail messages and do NOT send actionlog_details,b,False, Detailed Action Log: True = include raw data in action log (= longer log)